Monthly/quarterly automatic billing is only available for credit card or bank account debit orders placed on our website at
Please print this Order Form and mail or fax it to us.
First Name: ___________________ Last Name: ______________________________
City:__________________________ State :_______ Postal Code:____________
Country:_______________________ E-mail:_________________________________
Business Phone:_____________ Home Phone:_____________ Fax:______________
How did you hear of Steele Expert?________________________________________
Are you an investment professional: ____Yes ____No
Single Issue Purchase | Annual Cost | |||
Database | Quarterly Subscription (4 issues) |
Monthly Subscription (12 issues) |
Personal (Mutual Funds) | $ 65 | $ 224 | $ 456 | |
Professional (Mutual Funds) | $ 162 | $ 632 | $ 1032 | |
Pro-Plus (Mutual Funds) | $ 199 | $ 828 | $1272 | |
Variable Annuities | $ 105 | $ 420 | $ 864 | |
CD mailed with issue (optional) | $ 12 | $ 48 | $ 120 |
Product Price $_________ ___ Check enclosed
CD Price (optional) $_________ ___ Credit Card
Overseas Shipping add 50% $_________
Subtotal $_________ Card Number: ______________________
CA residents tax (9.25%) $_________ Expires: ______________________
Order Total $_________ Signature: ______________________
Please fax to (509) 357-1572 with your credit card information or mail with your check to:
Steele Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 530954
Henderson, NV 89053-0954
When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your
account or to process the payment as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer, funds may be
withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution.